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Enzymatica AB (life science)

Enzymatica AB is a Swedish life science company that develops and sells medical devices for infection-related diseases. The products are based on a barrier technology that includes marine enzymes.

The Company’s first product is ColdZyme®, a mouth spray which can prevent and reduce the duration of the common cold, alleviate common cold symptoms and improve quality of life. ColdZyme is also effective for throat problems associated with colds. The product has been launched in about 30 markets on three continents.

Serstech AB (safety & security)

Serstech is based in Sweden and has both development and production in Sweden. Serstech’s values are very Swedish – open, trustworthy, honest and with a clear focus on quality and design. We are an agile company and quickly adapts to the needs of our customers and partners. We believe all business is personal and we stay with our customers and partners all the way and all the time.

Serstech has focused on the safety and security industry as a first step in its evolution, but the technology and products are not limited to this industry. As the use of chemicals increases in virtually all industries and government regulations follow, the need for quick and easy identification and documentation of chemicals will continue to increase for several years to come.

  • Teckningsperiod: Juli 2014
  • All time High 12.60 SEK
  • deltog vid kurs 3.00 SEK
  • Nuvarande aktiekurs Serstech AB